
Background Ocular episcleritis and uveitis are well-recognised extra-intestinal manifestations of Crohn's disease. Orbital myositis is rare: to our knowledge it has been associated with Crohn's disease in thirteen cases. Posterior scleritis, orbital myositis and Crohn's disease have been reported as coexisting in only two cases. Methods and results We describe a third case, that of a 31-year old female with Crohn's colitis for 8 years, complicated by enteropathic arthritis and pyoderma gangrenosum. She presented with intense and intractable periorbital pain, particularly at night and worse on eye movements. B-scan ultrasonography confirmed posterior scleritis and treatment with high dose oral steroids (up to 60 mg prednisolone) was initially effective, but subsequently failed to control the inflammation. There was only a partial response to infliximab. Five months after presentation, diplopia developed, with failure of abduction of the left eye. MRI scan of the orbits confirmed orbital myositis involving the left lateral and medial rectus muscles. Pulsed intravenous methylprednisolone and six cycles of intravenous cyclophosphamide over a three month period resulted in complete resolution of inflammatory symptoms. Conclusions This case highlights a rare combination of ocular abnormality secondary to Crohn's disease and reports successful resolution with aggressive immunosuppressive therapy.

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