
This thesis deals with recurrent neural networks, a particular class of artificial neural networks which can learn a generative model of input sequences. The input is mapped, through a feedback loop and a non-linear activation function, into a hidden state, which is then projected into the output space, obtaining either a probability distribution or the new input for the next time-step. This work consists mainly of two parts: a theoretical study for helping the understanding of recurrent neural networks framework, which is not yet deeply investigated, and their application to non-linear prediction problems, since recurrent neural networks are really powerful models suitable for solving several practical tasks in different fields. For what concerns the theoretical part, we analyse the weaknesses of state-of-the-art models and tackle them in order to improve the performance of a recurrent neural network. Firstly, we contribute in the understanding of the dynamical properties of a recurrent neural network, highlighting the close relation between the definition of stable limit cycles and the echo state property of an echo state network. We provide sufficient conditions for the convergence of the hidden state to a trajectory, which is uniquely determined by the input signal, independently of the initial states. This may help extend the memory of the network and increase the design options for the network. Moreover, we develop a novel approach to address the main problem in training recurrent neural networks, the so-called vanishing gradient problem. Our new method allows us to train a very simple recurrent neural network, making the gradient not to vanish even after many time-steps. Exploiting the singular value decomposition of the vanishing factors in the gradient and random matrices theory, we find that the singular values have to be confined in a narrow interval and derive conditions about their root mean square value. Then, we also improve the efficiency of the training of a recurrent neural network, defining a new method for speeding up this process. Thanks to a least square regularization, we can initialize the parameters of the network, in order to set them closer to the minimum and running fewer epochs of classical training algorithms. Moreover, it is also possible to completely train the network with our initialization method, running more iterations of it without losing in performance with respect to classical training algorithms. Finally, it is also possible to use it as a real-time learning algorithm, adjusting the parameters to the new data through one iteration of our initialization. In the last part of this thesis, we apply recurrent neural networks to non-linear prediction problems. We consider prediction of numerical sequences, estimating the following input choosing it from a probability distribution. We study an automatic text generation problem, where we need to predict the following character in order to compose words and sentences, and a path prediction of walking mobile users in the central area of a city, as a sequence of crossroads. Then, we analyse the prediction of video frames, discovering a wide range of applications related to the prediction of movements. We study the collision problem of bouncing balls, taking into account only the sequence of video frames without any knowledge about the physical characteristics of the problem, and the distribution over days of mobile user in a city and in a whole region. Finally, we address the state-of-the-art problem of missing data imputation, analysing the incomplete spectrogram of audio signals. We restore audio signals with missing time-frequency data, demonstrating via numerical experiments that a performance improvement can be achieved involving recurrent neural networks.

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