
The relevance of the study as to the problem of determining the creative activity by personal characteristics of the musician is substantiated. The importance of the reverse influence of the content of activities on formation of personality is emphasized. The related works of Ukrainian specialists in art history about composers work and musicians are analyzed and summarized. The personal phenomenon of Oleg Tymoshenko, longtime rector of Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, is considered within the context of the best traditions of institution management. The research is carried out from the standpoint of determinism applying the categories of personality, individuality, activity. Attention is paid to such elements of personality structure (according to K. Platonov) as personality orientation, abilities, character, experience. Some facts of Oleg Tymoshenko’s creative biography are interpreted from the point of view of the theory of behavioral activity (according to V. Romenets). The multifaceted activity of Oleg Tymoshenko as a choir conductor, educator, methodologist, organizer of education, music and public figure is analyzed within the context of activity universalism and typology of musicians-universals (according to O. Komenda). The leading sphere among Oleg Tymoshenko’s creative activity was, namely, activity of the choir conductor, in the depths of which all others were born, which gives grounds to attribute his creative personality to the type of the universal performer. Such qualities as influence of the leader, communicative and organizational skills, his commitment to principles and demanding features, understanding of people — are factors of future successful head of the educational institution – were formed during process of mastering and improving of his professional skills. A set of factors that contributed to the effectiveness of Oleg Tymoshenko as a head of leading music educational institution are the following: talent of the musician, striving for perfection and hard work, and as a result — high professionalism, professional armament and broad erudition, which gave him undeniable authority. Tolerance, extraordinary respect for colleagues, initiative and desire to support everything new and progressive added to the uniqueness of the rector’s personal portrait. The devotion of Oleg Tymoshenko to the idea of Ukrainian culture development together with his above-mentioned personal qualities made his high cultural mission possible, not only as the head of the Academy, but also broadly – on a national scale.

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