
This paper presents a novel rectifier array for a wide dynamic range of RF-dc conversion. The rectifier array consists of multiple rectifier cells optimized for operation at different power levels and uses an adaptive power distribution method to divide the RF input power among these rectifier cells according to the RF power levels. The adaptive power distribution takes advantage of the power-dependent input impedances of the rectifier cells and is implemented with passive devices. This method both improves the rectification efficiency and minimizes the impedance mismatch as the input power level varies, and therefore, significantly enhances the dynamic range. The rectifier array can be designed using either the same type or different types of rectifying devices and can be expanded by including more cells in the network to further increase the dynamic range. In this paper, three different implementations of such rectifier array circuits are described, including a two-diode rectifier array designed with the same type of diodes, a two-diode rectifier array designed with different types of diodes, and a three-diode rectifier array with different types of diodes. The performances of these circuits are validated with measurement and compared with each other. Significant enhancement of dynamic range over conventional rectifiers is demonstrated.

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