
Recruitment characteristics of nerve cuff electrodes implanted in four cats for five months were measured. Monopolar, bipolar, and tripolar configurations were considered. Approximately twice the current was required to achieve a given response using the tripolar configuration as compared with monopolar stimulation. Bipolar stimulation also required more current than monopolar stimulation. Using the recruitment data, a number of strategies for modulating muscle tension were considered. It was shown that both pulse amplitude and pulse duration should be software-selectable to achieve adequate control of muscle tension when using either pulse amplitude modulation or pulse duration modulation. When using pulse amplitude modulation, it was found to be desirable to operate at a low pulse duration in the high end of the allowable range for pulse amplitude. For pulse duration modulation, one should operate at a low pulse amplitude in the high end of the allowable range for pulse duration. The effect of pulse amplitude and pulse duration step size on the maximum step change in muscle tension and the linearity of the recruitment curves were examined. The use of logarithmic steps in the modulation parameter was examined and was shown to result in improved controllability and linearity.

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