
The purpose of our research is to identify the theoretical and methodological aspects of conducting training and health classes for young fighters-all-rounders at the stage of initial training. In the course of the research, the method of analysis and generalization of literary sources was used. The analysis of scientific and methodical literature indicates a lack of knowledge regarding the theoretical and methodological foundations of conducting recreational games in military and sports all-around competition for further mastery of such sections as: running for short and medium distances, swimming, all-style combat. One of the most effective means of influencing children's bodies to improve their health is the use of games, because they contribute to the improvement and acceleration of the process of learning exercise techniques, make it possible to overcome fear and create prerequisites for effective training and health activities.
 A conscious attitude to the game stimulates the individual not only to reproductive (reproductive), but also to productive (independent, creative) thinking. Awareness of oneself in the game increases the effectiveness of learning, helps to form oneself faster and easier in various conditions of our time. The features of these games are determined by a wide range of factors: national, religious and folk traditions.
 A mobile game is a conscious activity aimed at achieving a set goal. As a means of recreation, it has a number of qualities, among which high emotionality occupies the most important place. Movement games are characterized by creative, active movement actions motivated by the plot. They are aimed at overcoming various difficulties on the way to achieving the set goal.
 Conclusions: the data on the peculiarities of the use of means and methods of physical training of young fighters-all- rounders engaged in military and sports all-around competition at the stage of initial training have been supplemented.

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