
Mental health advocacy organizations play an important role in mitigating stigma and questioning the social norms that can create negative health outcomes. This essay explores how a U.S. advocacy organization attempted to facilitate shared meaning about a stigmatized health issue with its online community via rhetorical vision, or narrative that connects people in shared reality. Through the lens of symbolic convergence theory (SCT), a fantasy theme analysis of the National Eating Disorders Association’s (NEDA) social media messages and comments uncovered a recovery warrior metaphor that framed eating disorder recovery as a heroic journey. The analysis describes potential reasons why NEDA would attempt to foster a rhetorical vision informed by a warrior narrative, how it used warriors as a cue to facilitate vision, and the tensions within the community that expose the evolution and limitations of recovery warriors to constitute a rhetorical vision and community. Theoretical implications are offered at the intersections of public relations and SCT. These implications provide a roadmap for advocacy organizations attempting to build symbolic community and shared narratives online in the context of stigmatized health conditions while also interrogating organizational power to shape rhetorical visions.

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