
Changes in substance P in the cat spinal cord after deafferentation of the hindlimb were investigated using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique. Unilateral lumbosacral dorsal root section (L 1-S 3) is followed by a decrease in dorsal horn (laminae I, II and V) substance P reaction product which is most marked at 10–11 days. There is no observable change in the ventral horn. The 13 or 15 day survivors demonstrate an increase over that seen at 10–11 days, and still greater amounts appear in the dorsal horn of 1 month survivors. After 1 month there is little further observable increase. The location of the returned reaction product resembles that of normals, but differs in its staining characteristics. Substance P containing cell bodies are observed in normal animals and on intact and deafferented sides of experimentals, suggesting that interneurons and propriospinal fibers nay be a source of the returning substance P reaction product. The decrease in dorsal horn substance P at short times after rhizotomy followed by an increase at longer times is consistent with axonal sprouting. If so, then the time course of sprouting parallels that of locomotor recovery and supports the hypothesis that the two phenomena are related.

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