
To date, about 10–15% of couples are infertile. According to the WHO critical level is 15%, therefore the obvious importance of correcting this situation. The subject of our study was excretory-toxic infertility (ETI) is most common among the population. The reason for this is high prevalence of diseases caused by urogenital infection. ETI is often one of the consequences of the inflammatory process in the organs of the male reproductive system. Common cause leading to the ETI is the chronic prostatitis (CP) and its complications. ETI is a complication of 40-60% of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in men. In the treatment of CP is complicated by ETI, deliver the full range of individually selected therapeutic actions: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory therapy, physiotherapy. Further, in the case of a positive result, follow-up tests for cure of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) conducted spermatogenesis therapy for 2 months. As a preparation for the stimulation of spermatogenesis were used rectal suppositories with prostatilen. After treatment significant improvement of quality of semen in patients of the main group, this allows to recommend the drug Protex® for use in treatment of ETI in men.

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