
Basing on the core material and geophysical research methods in wells data, was made the comparing analysis of electrometric facies models. Developed the express method of databases preparation with using of MS Excel software and MS-DOS software environment. Chosen the methodic of adequate sediments affiliation to varying litho-facial sedimentation environment definition. Made the plot of Alymskaya formation productive horizon paleogeographic map. Made the assessment of made work productive importance. Developed data bases express preparation method allow to significantly reduce the time spending on the data preparation and operatively supplement and reconstruct the litho-facial environment. On example of 51 wells was made the litho-facial analysis with using of electrometric models and core data, as well as with using of electrometric models only, what allowed to fully and precisely define the confinement of those or other sediments to certain litho-facial sedimentation environments. Experimental plot of productive horizon was defined by litho-facial zones by common similarity of electrometric models SP-logs in wells. Using of this methodic can make possible to make litho-facial analysis much adequate and qualitatively, with absence and inaccessibility of input information part and basing only on the few number of core and electrometric facial model data. The further using of methodic will allow not only to create the full and detailed conceptual paleogeographic deposit model, but to make the work of bad extraction causes definition and enhanced oil recovery.

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