
Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the etiological agent of the cold-water disease in salmonids. This micro-organism is somewhat fastidious being difficult to isolate and culture. The aim of this study was to develop a new solid medium which improves the recovery of viable cells from a sample. Six different media [nutrient agar (NA), NA + charcoal (NAC), enriched Anacker Ordal serum (EAOS), EAOS supplemented with aromatic compounds (EAOSa), EAOS with activated charcoal (EAOC) and EAOC supplemented with aromatic compounds (EAOCa)], three of them containing activated charcoal, were used to recover isolated colonies from a diluted sample of Fl. psychrophilum THC02-90. Pair wise comparisons between different media were carried out using the test of bootstrap to determine the best solid medium and if the presence of activated charcoal increased the number of colonies. The results showed that activated charcoal improved the recovery of viable cells in all the cases and NAC was slightly better than EAOCa but more variable. Activated charcoal has a great capacity of absorption of toxic compounds and it has no nutritional value, so the problems to culture and isolate Fl. psychrophilum are in part due to an inhibition phenomenon. The use of EAOCa can overcome some of these problems. The improvement in Fl. psychrophilum cultivation will facilitate physiological, biochemical and genetic studies with this bacterium.

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