
For decades, researchers across disciplines have been captivated by classifying, diagnosing, and avoiding the consequences of chronic stress. Despite the vast body of literature this has generated, we still lack the ability to predict which individuals or populations may be susceptible to stress-related pathologies. One critical unanswered question is whether the impacts of repeated stressors are reversible, or if instead they permanently alter an individual. In this study, we exposed house sparrows (Passer domesticus) to 6 days of random, repeated stressors, permitted them 0, 1, 3, or 6 days to recover, and then assessed changes in their body mass, hypothalamic–pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis (baseline, stress-induced corticosterone, negative feedback strength), immune function, uric acid concentrations, DNA damage levels, and perch hopping activity. Body mass did not vary between groups after recovery. We found that the HPA axis and perch hopping were not significantly impacted by the 6 days of stressors, but that uric acid and DNA damage increased. Short recovery periods tended to negatively affect the HPA axis and reduced uric acid levels, but these were reversed with longer recovery periods. Following the recovery periods, the birds experienced an additional 6 days of random stressors and their responses were assessed again. All recovery times reduced perch hopping and immune function, but paradoxically, DNA damage was highest in the birds that had the longest amount of time to recover. These results show that recovery time affects responses to subsequent chronic stress in complex ways, and highlight the importance of multimodal, interdisciplinary approaches to studying stress physiology.

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