
The capacity for fast-growth recovery after de-submergence is important for establishment of riparian species in a water-level-fluctuation zone. Recovery patterns of two wetland plants, Alternanthera philoxeroides and Hemarthria altissima, showing 'escape' and 'quiescence' responses, respectively, during submergence were investigated. Leaf and root growth and photosynthesis were monitored continuously during 10 d of recovery following 20 d of complete submergence. Above- and below-ground dry weights, as well as carbohydrate concentrations, were measured several times during the experiment. Both species remobilized stored carbohydrate during submergence. Although enhanced internode elongation depleted the carbohydrate storage in A. philoxeroides during submergence, this species resumed leaf growth 3 d after de-submergence concomitant with restoration of the maximal photosynthetic capacity. In contrast, some sucrose was conserved in shoots of H. altissima during submergence, which promoted rapid re-growth of leaves 2 d after de-submergence and earlier than the full recovery of photosynthesis. The recovery of root growth was delayed by 1-2 d compared with leaves in both species. Submergence tolerance of the escape and quiescence strategies entails not only the corresponding regulation of growth, carbohydrate catabolism and energy metabolism during submergence but also co-ordinated recovery of photosynthesis, growth and carbohydrate partitioning following de-submergence.

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