
AbstractWe have studied the star formation properties of a massive void galaxy - I Zw 81. We performed 2D structural decomposition on Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) g- and r-band observation of I Zw 81 using GALFIT. The galaxy consists of an unresolved small bulge, a bar, an inner ring, and a truncated disk. We have used far-ultraviolet (FUV) and near-UV (NUV) observation of Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) onboard AstroSat for our analysis. The NUV–r color map of the lenticular galaxy illustrates a shallow positive color gradient in the profile, implying that the bar and inner ring are more star-forming than the outer disk. The FUV emission is mainly concentrated in the central region of the galaxy. A tidal tail-like feature is detected in the CFHT observations. We infer that bar and minor mergers-like interactions enhance the gas inflow and drive star formation in the center of I Zw 81.

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