
We introduce a new method for applying an inflationary prior to a cosmological data setthat includes relations between observables at arbitrary order in the slow roll expansion.The process is based on the inflationary flow equations, and the slow roll parametersappear explicitly in the cosmological parameter set. We contrast our method with otherways of imposing an inflationary prior on a cosmological data set, and argue that thismethod is ideal for use with heterogeneous data sets. In particular, it would bewell suited to exploiting any direct detection of fundamental tensor modes by aBBO-style mission. To demonstrate the practical use of this method we apply it to theWMAPI+All data set, and the newly released WMAPII data set on its own and together with the SDSSdata. We find that all basic classes of single field inflationary models are still allowed at the1−2σ level,but the overall parameter space is sharply constrained. In particular, we find evidence that the combinationWMAPII+SDSS is sensitive to effects arising from terms that are quadratic in the two leading order slowroll parameters.

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