
Records of the Middle - And Late Holocene Palaeoenvironmental Changes in the Pcim-Sucha Landslide Peat Bogs (Beskid Makowski Mts., Polish Outer Carpathians) The paper presents analysis of depositional sequences of two peat bogs situated in the depressions developed within the landslide landforms Pcim Sucha in the Beskid Makowski Mts. (Outer Carpathians). The older peat bog, with depositional sequence 3.75 m long, started to form at the decline of the Boreal Phase ca 7570-7330 cal BC. Palynological and lithological analyses as well as numerous (18) radiocarbon datings of different horizons in the sediment enabled reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental changes of the Middle and Late Holocene. Increase in climate humidity at the beginning of the Atlantic, Subboreal and Subatlantic Phases were observed as deliveries of minerogenic material to the peat bog basin and formation of illuvial and mineral layers within peat. The particularly intensive delivery of allochtonous material to the peat bog took place at the beginning of the Subatlantic Phase and was the result of both significant humid climate and increased human impact (colonization of the Przeworsk Culture) in the landslide area. Rejuvenation of the landslide zone and formation of the second landslide were connected with this period and processes. Deposits of peat bog situated within this younger landslide, which are ca 1.3 m thick, are significantly contaminated with mineral material.

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