
Forensic victimology take evidence-based approaches to help victims to be detached from the trauma, victimization, and stigmatization as well as to reveal the extent of such abuse. The paper points to the victimogenesis of the “pagan people” of north central Nigeria as victims of the Lugardian administration in Nigeria. The position of Lord Lugard from investigations point that he was not misconceived but, aware that the people were victimised. Eliciting for restorative measures is pertinent to restore the “project Nigeria” where there is inclusiveness and sense of belonging. The paper concluded that use of records and archival identity of the people from documents which also suggested the prioritization of remedies that starts with the collation of records and archival resources to exhume the needed evidence that can facilitate the settlement of the people victimized during the Lord Lugard regime to be able to sustain the “project Nigeria”. Keywords: Archive: Forensic: People of North Central Nigeria: Records: Victim: Victimology.

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