
The interventions of fire protection units (FPUs) are the response of the state security system toemergent threats characteristically inscribed as appropriate to be dealt with by the FPU. All rescueinterventions undertaken by the FPU are recorded in the Decision Support System of the State FireService (SWD SFS), where an ongoing record of all current incidents is kept. Each of the incidentshandled by the FPU, after a multi-level verification of the baseline information concerning a giventhreat, is classified in accordance with the applicable Principles (Headquarters of the State FireService, 2022) as: a fire (F), a local threat (LT), false alarm (FA).The types of incidents handled by the Fire Protection Units (FPUs) and the answer to the questionof whether the adopted classification fully captures the essence of the FPU intervention will bethe subject of discussion by the authors who will analyse the area in question with referenceto both the actual conditions and the formal and legal status. In compliance with the currentlegislation, the authors will present legal boundaries for the commencement of a rescue actionwith an indication of its systematic allocation to the appropriate group of incidents (P, MZ, AF),while demonstrating the importance of the correct identification of circumstances indicating itstermination and the proper documentation of the above fact. In the subsequent part of the article,the authors propose to correct the classification of the type of incidents undertaken by the FPUs,stating that they may be recorded taking into account events of an authoritative nature as well asthose intended to support the activities of other services, entities and inspections. The authors’scientific considerations in the final part of the article will be presented in the form of clarifiedproposals for the revision of the rules for the generic classification of events undertaken by FPUs.

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