
Surgeons need references to undertake cleft lip repairs. We aimed to establish a three-dimensional model of upper lip muscles. We examined specimens from 2 adult cadaver heads and 8 adult cadaver lips, obtaining serial sections in the axial, sagittal, and coronal planes. Sections were stained to observe the philtrum, Cupid bow, vermilion, and nostril sill. Reconstruction was done with three-dimensional software (eg, 3D-DOCTOR, MicroMR). Parallel circular muscle fibers existed between modioli. The orbicularis oris deep layer contained fan muscle fibers inclining inward. Some ended at the anterior nasal crest. Others migrated to the depressor septum, crossed the midline, and migrated to the nasalis muscle. At the nostril floor, the depressor septum muscle bundle and ipsilateral orbicularis oris overlapped the nasalis muscle and the contralateral orbicularis oris. This construction shaped the nostril sill. The levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, levator labii superioris, and zygomaticus minor crossed the nasolabial groove and migrated to the superficial orbicularis oris, entering the outer edge of the nasal alar to the upper lip near the vermilion border and philtrum ridge, shaping Cupid bow. Contralateral deep orbicularis oris muscle fibers crossed the philtrum dimple to the lateral philtrum ridge (axial plane). Superficial reticular muscle fibers of the levator labii superioris, zygomaticus minor, zygomaticus major, and orbicularis oris inserted into the medial philtrum ridge (coronal plane). They intersected to form the philtrum ridge. A three-dimensional upper lip muscular system model was established that can be referenced for cleft lip repair and lip operations.

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