
<p>熱蘭遮堡可謂台灣荷治時期(1624-1662)最重要的建築,自1624年荷蘭東印度公司來台設立據點,至其於1662年撤離,該堡壘持續在軍事、貿易與治理方面扮演關鍵角色。由於其重要性,過去已有不少學者進行該堡壘之考證與研究,並嘗試重建其原貌,但至今尚未有學者提出完整與可信的重建成果。筆者先前〈17世紀荷治福爾摩沙的熱蘭遮堡:其建築營造歷程及與歐洲早期現代堡壘設計思維之關聯〉(黃恩宇,2021)這篇論文,已根據歷史文獻、歷史圖像、以及近代歐洲/荷蘭之堡壘設計觀念,探討荷治時期各階段熱蘭遮堡形式、構造與相關歷史事件,並指出1640年代中期乃熱蘭遮堡最具代表性的時期。當時該堡壘的三大部位皆已成形,包括上層主堡(方形平面加四個稜堡)、下層主堡(四角星型平面加四個圓堡)與外堡(含兩個稜堡與一個圓堡),堡內長官公署亦已完工,而堡內教堂則於1645年落成。 基於上述原因,本研究選擇1640年代中期的熱蘭遮堡建築樣貌作為重建之對象。論文除了檢視過去栗山俊一、曾國恩與林會承的研究成果外,亦參酌四類可供重建之依據。首先為堡壘位址的現地資訊,包括建築遺構、等高線與地籍圖。第二,須梳理17世紀荷蘭東印度公司相關的歷史文獻,其中對本研究最重要的乃1639年的〈特使庫克巴克爾致巴達維亞總督視察報告〉與公司士兵司馬爾卡頓所撰寫的《東西印度驚奇旅行記》。第三,須分析與1640年代中期熱蘭遮堡較有關的歷史圖像,包括1635至1652年間的七幅圖像。第四,熱蘭遮堡建築樣貌重建時,特別是各個稜堡之重建,須呼應當時荷蘭的堡壘設計觀念與原則,即所謂「舊荷蘭系統」。 藉由梳理與分析上述四類重要依據,1640年代中期熱蘭遮堡的上層主堡、下層主堡、外堡等三個部位即可合理重建,包括這些部位的位置、高度、平面及其他細節。依照堡壘建築重建成果,亦製出一個1:400比例尺的實體模型。更者,本文亦將熱蘭遮堡重建平面,整合至先前〈1640年代中期台灣熱蘭遮市鎮空間平面重建研究〉(黃恩宇,2019)提出的「1640年代中期熱蘭遮市鎮平面重建圖」,以呈現當時熱蘭遮市鎮的整體樣貌。本文的1640年代中期熱蘭遮堡建築樣貌重建成果,及其與同時期熱蘭遮市鎮平面之整合,將可作為未來熱蘭遮堡遺址考古發掘之參考,亦可作為後續各種相關研究之依據。</p> <p> </p><p>Fort Zeelandia is the most important building complex in Dutch Formosa (1624-1662). Since the Dutch East India Company (VOC) came Taiwan in 1624 to set up a trading post, until its withdraw in 1662, this fort ceaselessly played a critical role in military, trade and governance. Due to its importance, many scholars have conducted research on this fort and tried to reconstruct its original appreance; however, so far, no scholar has proposed a complete and persuasive result of reconstruction. A previous paper, “Fort Zeelandia in the 17th-century Dutch Formosa: Its Construction Process and Relationship to the Early Modern Ideas of European Fortification Design” (Huang, 2021), has explored the form, construction and related historical events of Fort Zeelandia in different stages of the Dutch rule period according to historical documents, historical paintings and early modern ideas of European/Dutch fortification design. This paper also points out that the mid-1640s was the most representative period of this fort. At that time, its three major parts of Fort Zeelandia had been built, including the “upper main fort” (as a square plan with four bastions), the “lower main fort” (as a four-pointed-star plan with four round towers) and the “outer fort” (which has two bastions and one round tower), and so had the Governor’s House inside the fort. Moreover, the church inside the fort was completed in 1645. Based on the above-mentioned reasons, this study chose the architectural appearance of Fort Zeelandia in the mid-1640s as the object of reconstruction. In addition to reviewing the previous research results of Kuriyama Syunichi, Guo-En Ceng and Hui-Cheng Lin, four important sources for the reconstruction work were also taken into consideration in this paper. The first is about the site data of the fort, including the building remains, contour map and cadastral map. Second, some of the historical documents related to the 17th-century Dutch VOC should be referred to; the most important two doucments are the “Nicolaes Couckebacker’s Inspection Report to the Governor-general in Batavia” in 1639 and Die wundersamen Reisen des Caspar Schmalkalden nach West- und Ostindien 1642–1652 written by the VOC soldier Caspar Schmalkalden. Third, the historical paintings related to the Fort Zeelandia in the mid-1640s should be analyzed, including seven paintings between 1635 and 1652. Fourth, the reconstruction of the architectural appearance of Fort Zeelandia, especially the reconstruction of its each bastion, should correspond with the idea and principle of Dutch fortress design at that time, i.e. the so-called “Old-Netherlands System”. By means of the clarification and analysis of the above four important sources for the reconstruction work, the three major parts of Fort Zeelandia in the mid-1640s, i.e. the upper main fort, the lower main fort and the outer fort, were reasonably reconstructed, including their location, heights, plans and other details. In accordance with the reconstruction result, a physical model in a scale of 1:400 was made. Furthermore, this paper also combined the reconstructed plan of Fort Zeelandia with the plan of Zeelandia City also in the mid-1640s which was reconstructed in a previous paper, “Reconstruction of the Ground Plan of Zeelandia City in Taiwan in the Mid-1640s” (Huang, 2019), so that a whole picture of Zeelandia City at that time can be presented. The reconstruction result of the architectural appearance of Fort Zeelandia, together with its plan combination with the that of the city, can be used as a reference for the archaeological excavation on the site of Fort Zeelandia and as a basis for the follow-up research in the future.</p> <p> </p>

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