
Determination of carbon isotope (δ13C) values of tree-ring tissue is a well-established method to reconstruct past climate variability at annual resolution, but such records are limited in tropical latitudes due to the lack of well-defined annual growth bands. Recent work has demonstrated the potential for high-resolution, intra-ring δ13C records to help define ring boundaries in tropical environments and provide additional climate information at sub-annual resolution. Here we present a high-resolution, intra-ring carbon isotope (δ13C) record of the Hawaiian endemic species Sophora chrysophylla (also known as “māmane”) in order to assess the ability to extract seasonal climate information from these drought tolerant trees. Tree cores were sampled from high-elevation māmane trees growing on the west side of Mauna Kea, Big Island. Across our entire dataset (1986–2008), we identified a notable decreasing linear trend in the δ13C record of 0.061‰/year that can be attributed to changes in the δ13C value of atmospheric CO2 and pCO2 concentration associated with fossil fuel burning. Correcting for these affects yields a nearly flat δ13C record with a slope of −0.0075‰/year, suggesting no long-term trends in climate across the study period. We observe a quasi-periodic change in the δ13C values [Δ(δ13C)] measured within each ring that averages 1.09±0.50‰ (±1σ, n=23) in amplitude. These variations are interpreted as the intra-annual isotopic signal in tree photosynthesis. The δ13C variability correlates with the visible ring structure of the sample, suggesting the presence of annual growth rings at this tropical high elevation site.We applied these data to a model that relates the Δ(δ13C) value to seasonal changes in precipitation in order to reconstruct annual changes in total summer (May through October) and winter (November through April) precipitation at the site. Across the 23-year record (1986–2008; n=579 δ13C measurements), reconstructed values for the ratio of summer to winter precipitation, total summer precipitation, and total winter precipitation correlate well with rainfall data collected from a nearby weather station (r=0.65, 0.36, and 0.70, respectively). These results support application of this model to reconstruct inter-annual changes in seasonal precipitation from long-term tree-ring chronologies. They also demonstrate the potential of using māmane δ13C for future long-term climate reconstructions.

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