
Electricity in Bagan Siapi city fire is channeled through a feeder distribution system of 20 kV. The main supply of Bagan Siapi-api city comes from PLTD unit Bagan Siapi fire which is  ± 1.5 kms from the load center and Duri Substation is  ± 102 kms from Bagan Siapi-api city through Hubung Ujung Tanjung. The long distances between the Duri Mainstation and Bagan Siapiapi city resulted in a 14.85 kV end-voltage and a 988.7 kW loss. Voltage losses resulted in ineffective service to the consumer and large network power losses being uneconomical for power delivery operations. The result of end voltage calculation is 10.42 kV and the power loss is 988.7 kW. After the New Substation operates, reconfiguration-1 produces the lowest end-voltage calculation of 16.21 kV and a power loss of 136.59 kW, while reconfiguration-2 produces a low end stress calculation of 17.37 kV and a power loss of 56.93 kW.

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