
BACKGROUND Surgical correction of elongated labia minora (LM) is one of the most sought reconstructive procedures after plastic surgery.1,2 The illusion of simplicity of such operations and failure to observe important technical aspects often lead to total resection of the labia, causing suffering of patients and problems for operating doctor. In such cases, reconstructive surgery is the only possible way to rectify the situation. MATERIALS AND METHODS We performed 10 reconstructions of LM. In 6 cases, the absence of LM is the result of the surgical correction of elongated LM [excessive resection edge; 4 cases: bilateral absence and 2 cases: unilateral (after correction of asymmetry LM)]. In 2 cases, unilateral absence of LM was the result of cysts excision of LM and in the other 2 cases a result of injuries in childhood. Saved the hood of clitoris, formed by the lateral pedicle of LM, an adequate supply of these tissues, or extra folds of skin extending from the anterior commissure to the middle third of LM1,2 was the plastic material for reconstruction. We have formed 2 (bilateral) or 1 (from the side of the lesion when unilateral absence) long flap with back pedicle that has been raised above the base, laid back, and sewn to defect of LM.2,3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The causes of acquired deformities of the LM are injuries and surgery operations, especially excessive resection, performed for the treatment of elongation or hypertrophy. Reconstruction of LM is a difficult task, because such corrections are made with a limited amount of local tissue. Psychological aspects are also very important because the patient’s expectations, “ideal” result of the operation, cannot always be achieved. Nevertheless, in most cases, you can create normal aesthetic and functional LM. Flaps have a good blood supply, which allows to create flaps without the risk of necrosis. CONCLUSIONS (1) Absence of LM is often a result of aesthetic surgery; therefore, these operations must be performed by qualified specialist depending on the length of the LM and preoperative marking, avoiding excessive resection. (2) Reconstruction of LM from local tissue allows the surgeon to create perfect normal labia and save patients from suffering.

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