
The two independent studies by Riess et al. [1] and Perlmutter et al [2] of high-redshift supernovae search team and supernovae cosmology project team reported the current universe is expanding with acceleration. Subsequent observational studies that include large-scale structure (LSS) and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have further supported the accelerated expansion. In order to have thids expansion, one requires an exotic matter characterized by negative pressure and hence negative equation of state (EoS) parameter. The exotic matter with negative EoS parameter w is termed as dark energy (DE). For accelerated expansion, we need ${w}\lt -1/3$. Although the cosmological constant is the simplest candidate for DE with w= -1, different time varying models of DE have been proposed in the literature till date. In the present work, a variation of holographic dark energy has been considered in the presence of bulk viscosity and results have been compared with the observational data from SNLS3, BAO and Planck + WMAP9 + WiggleZ measurements.

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