
Global nuclear weapons tests fallout of 137Cs in the northern hemisphere has been documented in the UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation) reports. However, many questions have arisen during the past three to four decades; e.g. the water column inventory of 137Cs in the North Pacific Ocean was two to three time higher than the cumulative decay corrected fallout at the same latitude as stated in the UNSCEAR reports. Here we show more precise spatial distribution of global 137Cs fallout primarily on the basis of global measurements in rain, seawater and soil, as data from 10 degrees x 10 degrees grids. A typical feature of geographical distribution is that two high global 137Cs fallout areas exist in the northern hemisphere, where the highest 137Cs fallout was observed in the globe. These areas correspond to crossovers of areas where larger precipitation amounts were expected and where higher stratosphere-troposphere exchange was expected. Our new estimate of 765 +/- 79 PBq as global 137Cs fallout for the northern hemisphere is 1.4 times higher than that of 545 PBq in the UNSCEAR reports.

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