
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) are ubiquitous human pathogens that infect their hosts for life and reactivate to cause disease at or near the initial site of infection. As the incidence of genital HSV-1 infections increase, there is an increased demand for valid viral typing diagnostics. In this report, we reconsidered and developed a triple-phase immune-typing procedure that compares differences in electrophoretic mobilities of viral ICP4, ICP27, and VP22 proteins between HSV-1 and HSV-2 strains. We isolated and immunotyped 5 primary HSV-1 strains derived from orofacial, ocular, and genital areas along with 2 primary HSV-2 strains from the genital area. Advantages of this methodology include its general technical simplicity, sensitivity, and ability to definitively type HSV. It is anticipated that this methodology will be useful in distinguishing viruses obtained in clinical cultures.

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