
!is paper examines the changing character of forced displacement and its impact on the lives of refugees and their host countries. !e paper proposes the need to re-conceptualize the issue of refugees from a development perspective, recognizing that the forced displacement resulting in refugee situations is both a product and cause of development (or lack thereof ). Conceiving of refugee situations within a broader development perspective provides a constructive path for the international community to provide truly durable solutions that can expand people’s freedoms, opportunities and capabilities to achieve a fulfilling life and reduce global inequal-ities and instability. !e first section discusses the failure of states to facilitate the three durable solutions in the face of the changing character of refugee movements. !e second section proposes reconceiving refugee situations as a development issue, the need for bridging the humanitarian-development gap, and the need for counteracting the negative discourse surrounding refugees in order to build on the opportunities that refugees present. !e third section provides examples to demon-strate how refugees are creating livelihood solutions for themselves, the contribu-tions they are making to their host societies, and how development-led solutions can help support refugees and better manage the long-term developmental conse-quences of protracted refugee situations.

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