
ABSTRACT As an important substrate of traditional Chinese cultural relics in museums, paper is the material with highly light sensitivity, which is susceptible to irreversible lighting damage. To provide high-quality viewing, it is vital to study the parameters of light sources in consideration of paper substrates’ long-term conservation. As an important factor affecting both conservation and viewing, there are some issues concerning correlated color temperature (CCT) in the relevant standards, namely, the inconsistent recommended values. In this research, paper samples were subjected to accelerated irradiation experiments for 1440 h by 10 narrow-band lights in the visible range, and the infrared spectra were measured periodically. The calculated oxidation index was used to obtain the damage response function to different spectral wavelengths and exposures. Subsequently, using the method of exhaustion, 9477 spectra with a CCT range of 2650–4150 K that met the viewing requirements were screened, and lighting damage to paper substrates was calculated using this function. Based on that, the correlation between CCT and lighting damage to paper substrates and their standard deviations was obtained. Combining the previous research on recommended for CCT pigments, a preliminary recommended CCT of 3100–3200 K in selecting light sources for traditional Chinese paper relics was proposed. It is worth emphasizing that it is still necessary to use the spectral power distribution of light sources, as the underlying independent variable that leads to damage, to further calculate the lighting damage using the function mentioned above to achieve protective lighting.

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