
This paper explores the direction of multicultural education in a school-based curriculum. To accomplish this, this study examines the relationship between multicultural education and curriculum, analyzes the South Korean national curriculum related to multicultural education, and presents a future direction for multicultural education in the 2015 national curriculum. In addition, this study recommends a direction for multicultural education in regard to school-based curriculum. The first result of this study shows that multicultural education should be made available for all children, not just multicultural children. Thus, a school-based curriculum should focus on how to incorporate multicultural education. Second, the 2009 South Korean national curriculum for multicultural education only focuses on multicultural families and multicultural children. The 2015 national curriculum must include information on all students, not just multicultural children. Third, this paper recommends several directions for developing a school-based curriculum. The conversionaboutcurriculumshouldfocusonincludingallchildren,notjustmulticulturalchildren.Moreoverthec urriculumforeverysubjectshouldberestructuredsothatmulticulturaleducationisfullyintegratedintothesubje ctsandcreativeactivitycurriculum.Diverseteachingstylesshouldbeusedthatfocusonthestudents’lifeandlea rning,andschoolsshouldimplementauthenticassessments.However,educatorsneedtorealizethatthemosti mportantaspectofaccomplishingtheseobjectivesisthatmulticulturaleducationmustbeincluded in teacher education programs so that it can be practiced in the field.

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