
We have previously described a GC-rich human minisatellite, termed MsH42, which exists in two allelic forms, long and short. Here, we have identified a third allele of medium length and localized the MsH42 locus in the chromosome 15q25.1 inside an intron belonging to a gene of unknown function. The recombinogenic potential of the three alleles was assayed in vitro incubating pBR322-based constructs containing two copies of the minisatellite MsH42 with its flanking sequences, in the presence of rat testes nuclear extracts. This assay system was configured to monitor only reciprocal exchange type events and not gene conversion. All MsH42 allelic sequences enhanced intramolecular homologous recombination promoting high rates (approximately 76%) of equal crossover, the long allele showing the highest recombinogenic activity. Removal of the MsH42 long allele flanking sequences, which are identical in the three alleles, provoked a decrease in the enhancement of recombination and in the frequency of equal crossovers, suggesting that these sequences are important for the recombinogenic activity and for the correct pairing between homologous sequences. The occurrence of some complex recombination events within the minisatellite MsH42 suggests the existence of processes related to polymerase slippage and unwinding with reinvasion during the repair synthesis. Our findings point toward the existence of two distinct biochemical pathways for initiation and resolution of recombination at the minisatellite MsH42. Finally, the in vitro recombination system employed in this study could provide an approach to dissect processes of repetitive DNA instability and recombination.

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