
Using our hemoglobin expression system in Escherichia coli, we have constructed three recombinant hemoglobins (rHbs) with amino acid substitutions located in the alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(1)beta(2) subunit interfaces and in the distal heme pocket of the alpha-chain: rHb(alphaV96W, betaN108K), rHb(alphaL29F, alphaV96W, betaN108K), and rHb(alphaL29F). rHb(alphaV96W, betaN108K) exhibits low oxygen affinity and high cooperativity and also ease of autoxidation of the heme iron atoms from the Fe2+ state to the Fe3+ state. It has been reported by Olson and co-workers [Carver et al., (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 14443-14450; Brantley et al. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 6995-7010] that a mutation at position 29 (B10, helix notation), e.g. , Leu --> Phe, can inhibit the autoxidation of the heme iron of myoglobin. We have introduced such a mutation into our rHb having low oxygen affinity and high cooperativity. This triply mutated rHb(alphaL29F, alphaV96W, betaN108K) is stabilized against autoxidation and azide-induced oxidation compared to the double mutant, rHb(alphaV96W, betaN108K), but still exhibits low oxygen affinity and good cooperativity. According to electron paramagnetic resonance results, the oxidized form of the triple mutant shows a high ratio of an anionic form of bishistidine hemichrome. Previous reports have suggested that this form does not have water present at the distal heme pocket. (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the triple mutant in the ferric state also exhibit spectral features characteristic of hemichrome-type signals. We have carried out a series of biochemical measurements to characterize these three interesting rHbs and to compare them to human normal adult hemoglobin. These results provide new insights into the structure-function relationship of hemoglobin with amino acid substitutions in the alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(1)beta(2) interfaces and in the heme pockets.

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