
The indigenous communities and biodiversity conservation are very closely inter-related and complementary to each other. Since ages, these communities have helped to evolve, nurture and protect the ecosystems in a sustainable manner. In India, since the ancient times, the indigenous communities have lived in harmony with nature and have played a vital role in protecting and conserving the forests and biodiversity. However, with passage of time and due to the socio-economic-political changes, the forests have become the property of the State and the indigenous communities have slowly been marginalised and separated from their traditional land and livelihood due to the developmental projects. This separation of the indigenous communities from land, forests and biodiversity has resulted in the destruction and deterioration of biodiversity. Thus, despite their critical role in conservation of biodiversity and ensuring resilient and healthy planet for people, the indigenous communities are often neglected and marginalized in environmental and developmental policies. In contemporary times, as the legal discourses focus on biodiversity conservation and protection it is essential to recognise the role played by indigenous communities in biodiversity conservation. In this context, this article examines the various ways in which biodiversity was conserved and the role of indigenous communities in biodiversity conservation in India. It tries to identify the reasons for exclusion of indigenous communities and its impact on biodiversity. Further, it attempts to analyse whether the Indian legal framework, particularly the environmental legislations contain any provisions recognizing role of indigenous communities in biodiversity conservation. Lastly the article attempts to give pragmatic solutions to include indigenous communities in biodiversity conservation in India.

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