
A map is a partition of the sphere into interior-disjoint regions homeomorphic to closed disks. Some regions are labeled as nations, while the remaining ones are labeled as holes. A map in which at most k nations touch at the same point is a k-map, while it is hole-free if it contains no holes. A graph is a map graph if there is a bijection between its vertices and the nations of a map, such that two nations touch if and only the corresponding vertices are connected by an edge. We present a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for recognizing map graphs parameterized by treewidth. Its time complexity is linear in the size of the graph. It reports a certificate in the form of a so-called witness, if the input is a yes-instance. Our algorithmic framework is general enough to test, for any k, if the input graph admits a k-map or a hole-free k-map.

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