
In this paper we propose the use of several feature extraction methods, which have been shown before to perform well for object recognition, for recognizing handwritten characters. These methods are the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), a bag of visual words using pixel intensity information (BOW), and a bag of visual words using extracted HOG features (HOG-BOW). These feature extraction algorithms are compared to other well-known techniques: principal component analysis, the discrete cosine transform, and the direct use of pixel intensities. The extracted features are given to three different types of support vector machines for classification, namely a linear SVM, an SVM with the RBF kernel, and a linear SVM using L2-regularization. We have evaluated the six different feature descriptors and three SVM classifiers on three different handwritten character datasets: Bangla, Odia and MNIST. The results show that the HOG-BOW, BOW and HOG method significantly outperform the other methods. The HOG-BOW method performs best with the L2-regularized SVM and obtains very high recognition accuracies on all three datasets.

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