
Generally, facial expressions could be classified into two categories: static facial expressions and micro-expressions. There are many promising applications of facial expression recognition, such as pain detection, lie detection, and babysitting. Traditional convolutional neural network (CNN)-based methods suffer from two critical problems when they are adopted to recognize micro-expressions. First, they are usually dependent on very deep architectures that overfit on small datasets. However, reliable expressions are relatively difficult to collect and relevant datasets are usually relatively small. Second, for micro-expressions, these methods usually neglect the temporal redundancy of micro-expressions which could be utilized to reduce the temporal complexity. In this paper, we propose a shallow CNN (SHCNN) architecture with only three layers to classify static expressions and micro-expressions simultaneously without big training datasets. To better explain the functionality of our SHCNN architecture, we improve the saliency maps by introducing a shrinkage factor after studying the vanishing gradient problem of existing saliency maps. Experiments are conducted on five open datasets: FER2013, FERPlus, CASME, CASME II, and SAMM. To the best of our knowledge, by comparing with other methods offering source code (or pseudo code), we believe that our method would be the best on FERPlus, CASME, and CASME II and competitive on FER2013 and SAMM.

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