
Subject. This article deals with the issues if it is reasonable to recognize such items as trademark, website and goodwill as intangible assets taking into consideration the transition to the procedure for accounting and financial statements preparation by organizations in Russia in accordance with the Federal Accounting Standard FSBU 14/2022 – Intangible Assets. Objectives. The article aims to analyze the complicated issues and specifics of the practical qualification of separate accounting items from the perspective of their compliance with the methodological provisions of the FSBU 14/2022 at the stage of transition to the application of the Standard. Methods. For the study, we used a systems analysis and generalization of legislative and regulatory documents, and professional literature. Results. The article finds that for the justified recognition of the items considered, including trademarks, websites and goodwill, it is necessary to analyze their compliance with the FSBU 14/2022 – Intangible Assets provisions, and in some cases, the accountant's professional judgment is necessary for the correct qualification of the listed items. Conclusions and Relevance. The variety and multiplicity of qualities of different types of intangible assets and economic benefits, as well as the emergence of new accounting items of an intangible nature, which require reasonable qualification in accounting, are among the reasons for the presence of identified problems. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that at present, not all Russian accountants have sufficient methodological training in terms of interpreting certain complex provisions of the FSBU 14/2022. The results of the study can be used in scientific and practical activities, for training specialists in the field of accounting and auditing, as well as for developing proposals for the correct transition to the FSBU 14/2022 provisions application.

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