
Accurate identification of core fucosylation on N-glycopeptides remains challenging due to fucose migration during mass spectrometry analysis. Here, we introduce a simple and straightforward method for core-fucosylated glycopeptide recognition based on the relative intensities of Y1+Fuc ions compared with their corresponding Y1 ions (labeled as Y1+Fuc/Y1 or simply Y1F/Y1 ratio > 0.1) in low-energy HCD-based spectra. The method was first developed by systematically evaluating the influence of fucose migration on the Y1F ion from antenna fucoses based on the distribution of the Y1F/Y1 ratios in the MS/MS spectra of antenna-fucosylated glycopeptides from Fut8-/- mouse brain. The feasibility of the method was then confirmed by using two standard glycoproteins, comparison with glycopeptides in Fut8+/+ mouse brain with/without in silico core-fucosylation removal, and Y1F/Y1 ratio alterations under a lower HCD energy. This method will be applicable to the manual interpretation and software-based high-throughput analysis of core-fucosylated glycopeptides.

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