
Historically, man has built with what he had underfoot: if the earthen construction is a tradition of 11 000 years old, the technique of the rammed earth (earth rammed in a formwork) is relatively new since it appeared for the first time in Tunisia in 814 BC. Exported in France, rammed earth is established mainly in Rhône-Alpes Region which has an ideal soil, rich in gravel, sand, silt and clay. Traditionally associated with the rural world, rammed earth heritage is also present in urban centers. The city of Lyon is one of the rare European cities to concentrate a large proportion of rammed earth buildings: the inventories made show that they are present in almost all the districts as well as in the suburban areas. This high density could be explained by the phenomenon of rural exodus experienced by Lyon during the nineteenth century. The agricultural populations, attracted by the prosperity of the city, then settled at the doors of this city, bringing their know-how by building with the cheaper and easier material available: earth. Rammed earth buildings are therefore located on bounder areas between the countryside and the city. They are thus found on lands that were once outside the city walls. With the advent of the industrial era at the end of the 19th century and the appearance of concrete, rammed earth constructions gradually disappeared. The constructions that we see today are therefore prior to 1900. Varied, ranging from detached houses to the 6-storey buildings, they stand as a testimony to a know-how that finds a particular resonance today, while the environmental and economic concerns are at the forefront. Little known, they constitute a heritage in danger that should be rediscovered.

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