
We detected a Caucasoid HLA-B allele, HLA-B*44:55, in a potential Taiwanese/Chinese bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell donor during our routine HLA SBT (sequence-based typing) practice. The sequence of B*44:55 varies with B*44:02:01:01 with one nucleotide in exon 2 at position 97 (T->C), while it differs from B*44:03:01 with one nucleotide in exon 2 at position 97 (T->C) and three nucleotides in exon 3 at residues 538-540 (CTG->GAC). The nucleotide replacements caused one amino acid variation with B*44:02:01:01 at residue 9 (Y->H) and two amino acid variations with B*44:03:01 at residue 9 (Y->H) and residue 156 (L->D). The formation of B*44:55 is probably the result of a nucleotide substitution involving B*44:02:01:01 at position 97 (T->C). The Taiwanese/Chinese donor with B*44:55 claims having no kinship with Caucasian. Our speculations on the origin of the Taiwanese/Chinese B*44:55 will be presented.

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