
Motor skill retention is typically measured by asking participants to reproduce previously learned movements from memory. The analog of this retention test (recall memory) in human verbal memory is known to underestimate how much learning is actually retained. Here we asked whether information about previously learned movements, which can no longer be reproduced, is also retained. Following visuomotor adaptation, we used tests of recall that involved reproduction of previously learned movements and tests of recognition in which participants were asked whether a candidate limb displacement, produced by a robot arm held by the subject, corresponded to a movement direction that was experienced during active training. The main finding was that 24h after training, estimates of recognition memory were about twice as accurate as those of recall memory. Thus, there is information about previously learned movements that is not retrieved using recall testing but can be accessed in tests of recognition. We conducted additional tests to assess whether, 24h after learning, recall for previously learned movements could be improved by presenting passive movements as retrieval cues. These tests were conducted immediately prior to recall testing and involved the passive playback of a small number of movements, which were spread across the workspace and included both adapted and baseline movements, without being marked as such. This technique restored recall memory for movements to levels close to those of recognition memory performance. Thus, somatic information may enable retrieval of otherwise inaccessible motor memories.

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