
AbstractThis integrative literature review studies well‐being of unaccompanied asylum‐seeking children through the three modes of recognition—love, rights and solidarity—as conceptualized by Axel Honneth. The analysis shows that the children's basic needs, such as safety, shelter and nutrition, are mostly recognized; however, the systems responsible for the care of unaccompanied children seem to misidentify other essential needs, such as the need for stability, need for caring, family‐like relationships and the need to be heard and seen as unique persons. We suggest that more research is needed to explore how recognition is displayed in the range of institutional, social and cultural structures in which unaccompanied children live. Furthermore, we call for research on how recognition is experienced by the children and youth themselves. It is also argued that practitioners and policy‐makers in social work should be educated about the elements of recognition and that their practices and policies should prioritize the rights and needs of the child over questions of age or immigration status.


  • Fr omthep er s p e cti v e of thelovemode of recog niti o n, it i s vit al t h at unaccompa ni e d c hil dr enandyo ut h r et ai n str o n g tr a n s n ati o n al ti e s.

  • Inthe li v e s of unaccompa ni e d c hil dr enandyo ut h, s oli d arit ywasre ali z e d, f or e x a m pl e, t hr oughb ei n g a bl e t o w or k, v ol u nt e eri n g or h a vi ngaccesstosp ar e ti m e a cti viti e s, suchassp ort s ( Chase, 2 0 1 3; Lundb er g & D a hl q ui st, 2 0 1 2; O' T o ol eThommessen et al, 2 0 1 7; P a st o or, 2 0 1 7; Si n h a & U p p al, 2 0 0 9; W er n e sj ö, 2 0 1 5).

  • M or e o v er, s e v er al articl e s ( Bit zi & L a n d olt, 2 0 1 7; Lundb er g & D a hl q ui st, 2 0 1 2; Ní R a g h all ai g h, 2 0 1 1; P a st o or, 2 0 1 7; W er n e sj ö, 2 0 1 5) ill u str at edtheexp eri ences of someunaccompa ni e d c hil dr enandyo ut hwhomloc al youngpeo pl e di d n ot w a nt t o g et a c q u ai nt e d wit h f or v ari ousreasons, suchastheloc al i n di vi d u al s' st er e ot y p e d vi e w s of theunaccompa ni edyoungpeo pl e' sback gr ounds, t h e pr a cti c e of diff er e nt r eli gi o u s tr a diti o n s or theunaccompa ni e d c hil dr e n' sandyo ut h s' l a c k of a bilit ytospeakthelanguage fl u e ntl y.

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Fr omthep er s p e cti v e of thelovemode of recog niti o n, it i s vit al t h at unaccompa ni e d c hil dr enandyo ut h r et ai n str o n g tr a n s n ati o n al ti e s.

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