
ABSTRACTThis study was to evaluate the application effect of gypsum and rice straw on the saline–sodic soils of coastal reclaimed tidal lands during newly reclamation process by leaching method. Soil used in the lysimeter experiment is classified as Greyic Hydragric Anthrosols (Sodic Arenic). The experiment was carried out over a period of 1 year from May 2014 to July 2015 inside a plastic film house. Saturated electrical conductivity (ECe) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) values of soils in gypsum treatment and gypsum with rice straw treatment then reached the desalinization criteria (ECe = 4.0 dS m−1, ESP = 15%) after the five or six pore volumes leaching cycles. However, in spite the 10 pore volumes leaching cycles in control and rice straw alone treatment, the values did not reach the desalinization criteria. The results showed that effectiveness of improvement of sodicity and salinity in coastal reclaimed tidal land soils was in the order of gypsum = gypsum + rice straw > rice straw = control. Our study has shown that gypsum alone treatment or gypsum with rice straw treatment in a coastal reclaimed tidal land soils improves their physicochemical characteristics.

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