
Objectives: We examined whether the inverse relation between somatic evoked N20m primary response and high-frequency oscillations during a wake-sleep cycle (Hashimoto, I., Mashiko, T., Imada, T., Somatic evoked high-frequency magnetic oscillations reflect activity of inhibitory interneurons in the human somatosensory cortex, Electroenceph clin Neurophysiol 1996;100:189-203) holds for interference stimulation.Methods: Somatosensory evoked fields (SEFs) from 14 subjects were measured following electric median nerve stimulation at the wrist with, and without, concurrent brushing of the palm and fingers. SEFs were recorded with a wide bandpass (0.1–1200 Hz) and then N20m and high-frequency oscillations were separated by subsequent low-pass (<300 Hz) and high-pass (>300 Hz) filtering.Results: The N20m decreased dramatically in amplitude during interference stimulation. In contrast, the high-frequency oscillations moderately increased in number of peaks.Conclusions: These results demonstrate the presence of an inverse relation between N20m and high-frequency oscillations for interference stimulation. We speculate that the high-frequency oscillations represent a localized activity of GABAergic inhibitory interneurons of layer 4, characterized by a high-frequency spike burst (200–1000 Hz) without adaptation, and that the continuous interference stimulation induces tonic excitation of the interneurons, leading to a facilitation of responses to the coherent afferent volley elicited by the median nerve stimulation (bottom-up mechanism). On the other hand, refractoriness of the pyramidal neurons caused directly by interference stimulation along with an enhanced feed-forward inhibition from the interneurons will lead to a decrease of N20m amplitude.

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