
In this paper five conditions are specified which must be met before reciprocal altruism, rather than kin selection, should be invoked. Four purported mammalian examples— social grooming in coati, cluster position in roosting pallid bats, information exchange among greater spear-nosed bats, and blood regurgitation among vampire bats—are examined to determine if reciprocal altruism is necessary to plausibly explain each situation. Results from a computer simulation which apportions the relative selective advantage of vampire bat food sharing to kin selection and reciprocal altruism are then presented. The results demonstrate that the increase in individual survivorship due to reciprocal food sharing events in this species provides a greater increase in inclusive fitness than can be attributed to aiding relatives. This analysis suggests that reciprocal altruism can be selectively more important than kin selection when altruistic behaviors in a relatively large social group occur frequently and provide a major fitness benefit to the recipient even when that recipient is related to the donor.

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