
The loss of genetic diversity poses a serious threat to the conservation of endangered species, including wild felids. We are attempting to develop spermatogonial stem cell transplantation in the cat as a tool to preserve and propagate male germ-plasm from genetically valuable animals, be they threatened wild species or lines of cats used as models for inherited diseases. In this study, we investigated the use of local external beam radiation treatment to deplete the endogenous germ cells of male domestic cats, a step necessary to prepare them for use as recipients for transplantation. Testes of 5-month-old domestic cats were irradiated with a fractionated dose of 3 Gy per fraction for 3 consecutive days. These cats were castrated at 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 weeks posttreatment, and progress of spermatogenesis was evaluated histologically and compared against age-matched controls. Even at the latest time points, less than 10% of tubules contained germ cells at any stage of meiosis, showing the efficacy of this protocol. In addition, male germ cells were isolated from the testes of domestic cats using a 2-step enzymatic dissociation to establish a protocol for the preparation of donor cells. The presence and viability of spermatogonia within this population were demonstrated by successful transplantation into, and colonization of, mouse seminiferous tubules. The success of these protocols provides a foundation to perform spermatogonial stem cell transplantation in the domestic cat.

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