
[Right-wing terrorism and ultra militancy as group phenomena? The group’s influence on processes of right-wing radicalization] Daniel Köhler’s article develops a theoretical model to explain radicalization by examining the interaction mechanisms between radical social movements and their surrounding social environment and their overall visions for society or “target societies” ( Zielgesellschaften ); this in order to identify and contextualize the relevant group-related factors and operating mechanisms that are active in the process. The model is based on results from the German extreme right environment, but is also applicable to other, religious and political, radical milieus. The core of the interaction theory, the “radical contrast society”, consists of the radical social movements’ ideology and infrastructure, their internal hierarchies and visions for society. The specific operating mechanisms behind both individual and group-related processes of radicalization are explained against the background of the individual elements of the “contrast society”. Publication history: Translation of the article “Rechtsextremer Terrorismus und Ultra-Militanz als Gruppenphänomen? Der Einfluss der Gruppe auf rechtsextreme Radikalisierungsprozesse” from Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik , issue 9 2014 ( http://www.zis-online.com/dat/artikel/2014_9_853.pdf ). (Published 18 April 2016) Citation: Köhler, Daniel (2016) “Högerextrem terrorism och ultramilitans som gruppfenomen? Gruppens inverkan i högerextrema radikaliseringsprocesser”, in Det vita fältet III. Samtida forskning om högerextremism , special issue of Arkiv. Tidskrift för samhällsanalys , issue 5, pp. 111–139. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13068/2000-6217.5.5

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