
The frequency of spontaneous and nitrous acid-induced irreparable recessive lethal mutations has been estimated in a diploid strain of Aspergillus nidulans. Markers on at least one member of each chromosome pair permitted the assay of lethals in all 16 chromosomes of the diploid strain. 50 treated isolates produced 4 lethals giving a frequency of 8% induced lethals for the whole genome at 5% survival. One isolate was heterozygous for 2 non-allelic lethals in trans. After treatment with UV it produced a stable heterokaryon which was balanced by the non-allelic lethals, one on each haploid component. Meiotic and mitotic analysis showed that UV treatment has caused a translocation, to chromosome V, of a segment of a chromosome III carrying one recessive lethal and also the wild-type allele of the second lethal.

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