
Receptor potentials in response to sinusoidal stimulation have been recorded from isolated muscle spindles of the frog. Sinusoidal displacements of different amplitudes (20-120 micron) and frequencies (0.1-100 Hz) were used. The mean static stretch level was adjusted between resting length (L0) and L0 + 400 micron, so that the amplitude and phase-response characteristics were measured at different operating points. Depending on the amount of static prestretch, there is a well-defined dynamic range, which limits the receptor potential by nonlinear compression of either its positive or negative half-cycle. For each point on the static operating curve there exists a dynamic operating curve with a sigmoidal shape. The range of each dynamic curve is approximately 80 micron, independent of the static displacement, and the maxima of all dynamic curves are the same. Therefore the dynamic curves are not symmetrical about their static operating point. The slope of the steepest portion is 10% of the maximum elicitable receptor potential per 10-micron dynamic displacement. For stimulus frequencies greater than 2 Hz the receptor potential deviates from a sinusoidal waveform, exhibiting a fast depolarization transient during stretch and a prolonged repolarization transient during release of stretch. The steepness of the depolarization transient increases with increasing stimulus frequency, amplitude, and prestretch level. As a result, the interval from trough to peak of the receptor potential shortens to less than 90 degrees instead of half a cycle. The repolarization transient has an exponential decay with a time constant of approximately 40 ms that remains constant during the various stimulus conditions. As a result of this slow decay time, individual receptor potentials summate, so that the response divides into a modulated receptor potential (AC component) and a maintained depolarization (DC component). The amplitude response characteristic of the stationary AC component increases with increasing stimulus frequencies up to a peak at 2 Hz, after which it declines with a slope of -3 dB/octave. Provided large sinusoidal stretches and/or extended prestretch levels are used, this high-frequency decline of the AC component is compensated for by the proportional increase of the DC component, so that the peak depolarization values remain constant from 2 to 100 Hz. Stimulus and response are in phase for stimulus frequencies less than 2 Hz and reverse to phase lag at higher stimulus frequencies.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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