
The article considers the functioning of higher education in Ukraine, from fraternal schools to the emergence of the first universities (Ostroh Academy, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Universities of Lviv, Chernivtsi, Kharkiv, etc.). In particular, attention is focused on the historiography of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, the traditions of which are reproduced in the documentary illustrative source of I. Nechuy-Levytsky – the story “Khmary”. The functioning of the Kyiv Academy and its usual teaching methods (in particular, conducting exams) are studied on the example of this novella. The author, focusing on his own learning experience, realistically conveys the life at that time and learning conditions of students of Kyiv. Two antipodes of the intelligentsia of the older generation (Stepan Vozdvyzhensky and Vasyl Dashkovych) are analyzed, the actions of which clearly demonstrate the academic life of Kyiv in all its manifestations. The maturation of these characters as teachers and their attitude to their work are demonstrated. In contrast to the parental experience, the younger generation of Ukrainian students is represented by the story “Khmary” (Pavlo Radyuk, Olga Dashkovych). The specifics of Ukrainian women’s higher education (institutes and higher women’s courses) are revealed. In an ironic perspective, drawing on the character of Olga Dashkovych, the detrimental effects of such education through the inculcation of vain ideas, quasi-science, false ideas and ideals that led to life’s helplessness are depicted. Focusing on the story “Khmary”, the methodology of the exam is studied. Thus, on the example of Stepan Vozdvyzhensky and the Metropolitan, subjectivity is demonstrated in the assessment, the intellectual level of the examiner himself through his perception of the new European philosophy. It is found that for any generation the exam remains a test, an incentive to learn and a ground for the necessary knowledge.
 Keywords: I. Nechuy-Levytsky; “Khmary”; Stepan Vozdvyzhensky; Vasyl Dashkovych; Pavlo Radyuk; Olga Dashkovych; University; higher education in Ukraine; women’s education; exam methods.

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