
Miocene production has been extensively developed in almost every oil field in the Los Angeles Basin. The fact that the Inglewood field was one of the principal exceptions prompted the drilling of a deep test on the south flank of the Inglewood fold. The test found the top of the Miocene at about 7,350 feet. The upper Miocene (Modelo) sediments consisted of shale, silty sand, and phosphatic nodular shale. A volcanic-sedimentary series encountered between 8,358-8,420 was believed to be of middle Miocene age. Middle Miocene (Topanga) silty sandstones and shales were found from 8,420 to 8,760 feet. Production is coming from the lower part of the Modelo formation (upper Miocene) and also from the upper part of the Topanga formation (middle Miocene). This is believed to be the first middle Miocene production discovered in the Los Angeles Basin. End_of_Article - Last_Page 947------------

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